As world leaders gathered for the opening of the COP 29 climate summit in Baku, Australian civil society groups sent a clear message to the conference and the federal Coalition, in the form of a statement opposing nuclear power in Australia.

The statement will be shared with delegates and representatives and presented in a press conference on November 15 in the COP Press room.
Endorsing organisations include leading environment, social justice, faith, First Nations and trade union voices.
We, the undersigned Australian Civil Society organisations are united in support for the global clean energy transition and opposition to the nuclear industry playing a spoiling role in this transition.
Nuclear power is too slow, costly and inflexible to play any meaningful role in the global decarbonisation efforts. Nuclear also brings unique risks and long-lived wastes.
Given the environmental, economic and human urgency of addressing climate change and advancing the energy transition the nuclear industry must not be allowed to cause the global diplomatic community any further delay.
Australia is moving purposefully away from centralised fossil fuel combustion and toward distributed renewable energy generation and storage. In 2024, 40% of Australia’s electricity is generated from renewable energy. This capacity is proven, delivering and expanding rapidly.
Despite this, a coordinated campaign is currently being waged to undermine public support for this decarbonisation effort. The last thing Australia needs now is nuclear distraction and delay.
We have been fortunate to learn from the world’s experience with nuclear power. We understand why its role in global energy systems and its contribution to global electricity production has been in decline for decades. Its legacy is one of underperformance, burgeoning cost, intractable health impacts and long-lived radioactive wastes.
As the former Australian Chief Scientist Dr. Alan Finkel said, “Any call to go directly from coal to nuclear is effectively a call to delay decarbonisation of our electricity system by 20 years”.
Australia, and the world, cannot afford this delay. We stand resolute in our support for real climate action through the clean energy transition and in our opposition to false nuclear promises.
Alice Spring Peace Action Think Tank
Antinuclear Australia
Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF)
Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)
Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (WA)
Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA)
Australian Rainforest Conservation Society
Be The Change Australia
Climate Action Network Australia (CANA)
Conservation Council of WA
Doctors for the Environment Australia
Don’t Nuke the Climate Australia
Electrical Trades Union National (ETU)
Extinction Rebellion Australia (XR)
Friends of the Earth Australia
Friends of the Earth Adelaide
Gene Ethics Network
Greenpeace Australia Pacific
Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation
Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN)
Justice and Peace Office of the Sydney
Catholic Archdiocese
Just Peace Queensland
Maritime Union of Australia
Mineral Policy Institute (MPI)
Nuclear Free Western Australia (NFWA)
Oxfam Australia
Peoples Climate Assembly
Queensland Conservation Council
Solar Citizens
Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania
Uniting Church Synod of NSW & ACT
Victoria Trades Hall Council
Vote Earth Now
Wilderness Australia
Wollongong Against War and Nukes