NT election campaign full of gas


Tamboran, the company pushing hardest to frack the Territory, is NT Labor’s biggest donor this year by a country mile. 

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It looks like nature, climate and renewable energy are making headlines in the Northern Territory election campaign.

Kate Worden MLA Member for Sanderson, Eva Lawler, Chief Minister NT and Federal Minister Chris Bowen

National leader of The Greens Party, Adam Bandt has labelled the August Northern Territory election “the most important election you haven’t heard about” and alleged the major gas corporations are planning to buy it while federal Labor is making renewables announcements.

Bandt said the consequences of the NT election are “profound” for all of us.

“The parliament elected will decide whether fracking goes ahead in the Beetaloo Basin, one of the largest fossil gas reserves still untapped worldwide. It’s been called a “carbon bomb”.

“Multinational gas corporations know how important this election is, Jackie.

“New analysis shows gas companies and fossil fuel lobbyists are pouring money into both major parties in the NT to buy loyalty for their drilling expansion plans. 

“The list of corporate donors to the major parties is alarming. Tamboran, the company pushing hardest to frack the Territory, is NT Labor’s biggest donor this year by a country mile. 

“The gas corporations aren’t trying to hide it, either. The first ‘Leader’s Debate’ of the NT election was last week. It was a $1350 a table event, broadcast on Murdoch’s Sky News – and sponsored by Santos and Tamboran.”

In addition to complaining about the major parties and their big gas donors, the Greens have launched a new NT Biodiversity Policy.

“We can’t let Labor and the CLP sell us out. The NT Greens are the only party that truly backs our environment, lifestyle and right to safe drinking water, because we don’t take corporate donations,” said Asta Hill, Greens candidate for the NT seat of Braitling.

“Let’s not forget last summer, when ash fell on our town. Buffel is choking our country and fuelling wildfires which threaten our environment, homes and safety. “Here in the desert, water scarcity penetrates the psyche of so many Territorians. Except the major parties’.”

“For a healthy environment which sustains our communities and economies, we have to reject Labor and the CLP’s policy of letting big business trash our environment,” added Kat McNamara, candidate for Nighcliff. “The Greens are pushing for stronger protections for water, country and nature. 

“We need more transparency on how decisions about our fragile ecosystems are made. Only then can we can protect places like Lee Point from wanton land clearing, Litchfield from rampant Gamba infestations & make sure there’s enough water for our communities, bush & wetlands.”

Labor, on the other hand, isn’t talking about its donors and how they might be using campaign donations to firm up their gas projects.

The Albanese Government has announced it is accelerating the delivery of reliable renewable energy in the Northern Territory after signing a landmark $250 million deal with the Lawler Government as part of the Rewiring the Nation Program.

“Through the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC), the investment will create hundreds of new jobs and see the power grid upgraded and expanded across the Territory, supporting major transmission projects and bolstering grid strength.

“The Rewiring the Nation investment will also accelerate the rollout of transmission projects across the Territory with the first wave of these to be completed before 2030.

“We have also signed an agreement to deploy community-scale solar, rooftop solar and clean energy technologies. This will provide up to $500 in energy cost savings per year for consumers locked out of installing their own rooftop solar, like hardship customers, renters and apartment dwellers.

“Working together the Commonwealth and Northern Territory Governments are securing crucial power bill price relief for Territorians, ensure the Territory’s growing share of renewable energy is more reliable and secure and reducing emissions.

“Projects financed under this agreement will contribute to the energy mix across the Territory by increasing amounts of renewable generation such as solar and wind and reducing reliance on power generation from fossil fuels.

“In addition to priority projects supporting the Darwin-Katherine Interconnected System (DKIS), there is potential for projects in Alice Springs and Tennant Creek to also receive support as part of the decarbonisation of the NT’s energy system.”

In response to the Albanese announcement, Chief Minister for the Northern Territory, Eva Lawler, said: “This agreement with the Albanese Government will ensure Territorians have reliable power supply into the future.

“Battery technology will play a significant role in our target of reaching 50% renewable energy consumption by 2030.

“By owning our assets we can keep power prices low. Only a Territory Labor Government will keep our assets in the hands of Territorians.”

According to the NT Electoral Commission there are 152,110 electors on the roll in the Northern Territory, this compares to 141,225 at the 2020 Territory Election.

Recent enrolment efforts by the Australian Electoral Commission in the lead up to the Voice referendum has seen many remote electors added to the roll.

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