A note from our publisher
Welcome to The Point ESG News Site. We show you the news through a different lens. Our reporting is dedicated to assessing what’s happening in your world in terms of environmental justice, social justice and good governance.
The website is driven by a commitment to the importance of truth in the public interest and the need for greater levels of social and environmental justice and higher levels of accountability and leadership (good governance).
We hope The Point ESG News Site empowers individuals and communities to aspire to higher levels of accountability, equity and human decency.
Here at The Point, we write about the issues that matter most – community, humanity and the planet.
Our laws are weak, their regulation is, at times, non-existent. As usual, the broader community does not know what it does not know – until it is too late. We’ve been brain washed by conservative corporate media into believing we are powerless. In turn, we therefore decide that what ever we do won’t change things. We find ourselves saying “What’s the point?” or tell ourselves “there is no point”.
Hopefully, this website can demonstrate that there is a point to being well-informed so you can stand up and speak your mind when change is required.
We focus on providing news with a conscience. Many of our stories are about local issues and events happening on the NSW Central Coast but we also have an eye on issues of importance at a regional, state, national and global level.
Thanks for reading. Please subscribe to our weekly newsletter and tell us what stories you’d like covered here.
Best wishes,
Jacquelene Pearson, Director, Truepenny Media (TPMTP Pty Ltd, Publisher of The Point)
Our team
Jacquelene Pearson: Director and Executive Producer. Jacquelene has been a journalist for 35 years. She is former Deputy Editor of Choice Magazine and a retained contributor to AFR Smart Investor Magazine. She is currently working on building The Point into a strong voice for independent journalism, book writing and has just released her first poetry collection.
Tracey Hawkins: Senior Contributor. As a portfolio careerist, Tracey has 25 years’ experience in communications, services marketing, business administration and program management in both Government and non-Government roles. Her strong intercultural communication skills have been honed through working in 27 countries within Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, the Arabian Peninsula, Turkey, Germany, and Russia. Tracey has worked with small business and not for profits to increase brand awareness through PR, marketing campaigns, fundraising, events, and collaborations. She holds a Bachelor degree in Applied Communication Studies and two postgraduate Diplomas – one in Secondary Education and the other in Archaeological Heritage.
Justin Stanley: Production Consultant. Justin has over 20 years experience in graphic design. He has an established and reliable design and IT business, Silverback Kreations , and knows his way around wordpress like the back of his own hand. There hasn’t been an IT question he hasn’t been able to answer; a problem he hasn’t been able to solve.
You may find us at:
Point Clare, NSW, 2250 Australia
M-Sat: 11am – 5pm
Sun: 11am – 5pm