“No woman should ever have to choose between her safety and her livelihood.”
Time to give pensioners a fair go
The recent small increase is not even enough to cover the loss from the current rate of inflation
Spotlight on train safety
“Without train guards, our public transport system is less safe and less efficient, and the incident that occurred at Tascott could have been a lot worse if not for the presence of this guard who had a clear job to do and was trained to deal with these situations.”
What’s not to love about trees?
By Jackie Pearson and Harry Mulholland ‘Love trees, Love COSS’ was an event that brought together a variety of community and environmental groups at the Ourimbah Campus of the University of Newcastle recently. Groups who exhibited included everyone from the Lisarow-Ourimbah CWA through to The Central Coast Greens and the […]
National project helps protect threatened species
Over half of Australia’s threatened species and ecosystems occur within the urban fringe which is why a project created by Macquarie University encourages Australians, no matter where they live, to add food, water, and shelter elements to their outdoor space to act as wildlife stop overs. By Tracey Hawkins* The […]
Plan to reclassify and sell prime Mann St land moves ahead
The Chief Executive Officer of Central Coast Council, Mr David Farmer, was not aware of a note in the council’s financial reports which said the former Gosford Council Chamber building in Mann St was to be sold on the open market. By Jacquelene Pearson* Note C1-7 Non-current Assets Classified as […]
Administrator says ‘time is right’ for waterfront revival
According to Rik Hart, administrator of Central Coast Council, the unveiling of the latest proposal to develop the Gosford waterfront will be “the start of something sensational”. By Jacquelene Pearson Welcome to The Point’s new local news section. Each week we will report on what’s going on around our home, […]
Is solar power worth it? How can I find out?
Doing something good for the environment – and for the hip pocket at the same time. Is that really possible? By Jo Muller* Due to the mass production of solar panels, investing in a domestic solar PV (photovoltaic) system or in some energy savings measures, can be a positive financial […]
How green is your investment?
According to the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance, sustainable investing is on the rise with sustainable assets under management growing to a global $35.3T in 2020, rising 15 per cent from 2018. By Harry Mulholland This rise has been even higher in Australia with the GSIA reporting a 25 per cent […]
New Sculpture on Central Coast promotes marine conservation
Harry Mulholland speaks with the two award-winning artists whose latest sculpture is now in place at the Central Coast Marine Discovery Centre in Terrigal – they want it to promote their goal of building awareness of the importance of marine conservation in Australia. The sculpture, which is called Pacifica Australis, […]