It’s the Dicky Persson Show


A new chapter begins on Monday, 9 November 2020, When Mr Dick Persson AM and his trusty sidekick Mr Rik Hart, get settled into the big seats at 2 Hely Street, and start to perform as the NSW Government expected our elected representatives to perform. No more messy democracy for […]

Opinion: Councillors and CEO must get chance to fix cash woes


The Central Coast Liberals and their affiliated Tell Council social media bovver boys have now labelled the Mega Central Coast Council – the one their former Premier Mike Baird created – a financial basket case and called for ministerial and ‘independent’ intervention, just as a new Chief Financial Officer was […]

Time to fix the fairness fail


In the theatre of modern politics our leaders sometimes “create” problems so they can manipulate the 24-hour news cycle to publicise “fixing” them. On October 6 we will find out whether Morrison and Frydenberg are wise enough to use the Federal Budget to fix JobSeeker and spare more than 1.8 […]

It starts with what we value


I’ve called this website The Point for a couple of reasons. The first is that I live in Point Clare and I was looking for a title that summed up what I love most about my life. Where I live, on the Central Coast of NSW, is certainly one of […]

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