We live on stolen land. Sovereignty was never ceded. The western neo-colonial concept of land ownership and domination doesn’t sit well. The traditional owners of this Country, from the Hawkesbury River to Lake Macquarie, from the beaches to the hinterland, have left an astonishing legacy.
Good news for blue whales
The good news is that researchers from Australia, Indonesia and Timor-Leste are now working together to understand how climate change and ocean warming is impacting blue whale health and also, potential changes to their migration behaviour.
Museum announces premier of ocean photography competition
As Australia’s museum of the sea, we have embraced the opportunity to display these amazing images from ocean photographers globally, creating an immersive exhibition experience, while encouraging visitors to consider their role in preserving the oceans around us
EPA prosecutes Delta over fish kills
The community representatives want the EPA to put more information in the public domain about additional measures mentioned in their media release including reference to a coal ash repository investigation and tightening of Vales Point’s NoX emissions which it has received a series of exemptions by the EPA to exceed.
Toxic coal legacy exposed as UN representatives visit Buff Point
In September 2024 Dr Orellana will submit his report on the outcome of his visit to Australia to the UN Human Rights Commission.
Coal and gas risk safeguard failure
If the production of coal and gas is even a little higher than the government has predicted, this risks blowing the carbon budget entirely. That’s before taking into account the more than 100 further fossil fuel projects still in the development pipeline.
Reserves to be spent on waterfront
“So why is this council hell bent on exposing residents and ratepayers to further financial risks and waste a precious $2.2 million on a project which has considerable ecological, environmental and economic uncertainty and no guarantee of future State Government backing?”