Contrary to what some say, an Inspector General of Emergency Management (IGEM) would not be an additional burden and it would have no role in day-to-day operations. The 2020 Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements recommended just such an assurance and accountability body for all states.
Rising waters, rising urgency as climate crisis hits home in NSW
New Climate Council research shows we can cut Australia’s climate pollution by 75% by 2030, and play a major positive role in global efforts to tackle the climate crisis.
Record-breaking year for batteries across Australia
To generate and store electricity, you no longer need a coal mine or hydropower dam in your backyard, you just need solar panels and a battery.
New maximum penalties for environmental breaches
Possessing or using an unregistered pesticide or using a pesticide contrary to the approved label can also trigger fines of up to a $60,000 for an individual and $120,000 for a corporation.
Climate Action Now pushing Lisa to break another sailing record
“I am living proof that just one person can make a difference and there are many things that people can start doing today to make a difference. We all have the power to create change, it just starts with one action.”
New way to engage young people in government policy development
“Engage! is our promise to young people right around Australia, you will be genuinely engaged and consulted and your important contributions will help shape government policies.
ABC members issue new vote of no confidence in managing director
The Lattouf case continues a pattern of ABC journalists, particularly those from culturally diverse backgrounds, lacking support from management when they face criticism from lobby groups, business organisations and politicians.
Imagine a Human Rights Act by 2034
With Centrelink debt gulags, residential nuclear waste dumps, Pacific climate refugee crackdowns and AI magistrates in the mix, the future looks bleak.
NSW Parliamentary Friends of the Olympic and Paralympic movements launched
As a former Paralympian and now a member of Parliament, it was fabulous to join so many of my colleagues to celebrate the inaugural meeting of the Parliamentary Friends of the Olympic and Paralympic Movements in New South Wales – Member for Gosford, Liesl Tesch
Community angst at council’s tardy response to weed outbreak on river
This weed spreads rapidly and action needs to occur quickly. To further mitigate risk, council is also working with the community to survey private properties near Wyong River Weir where the weed may be present.