The residents of the Central Coast and Lake Macquarie state that premature deaths, terminal illnesses, asthma, and chronic health problems have been experienced by residents of the Central Coast and Lake Macquarie as a result of decades of air and water pollution from local coal power stations and their associated coal ash dams.
Second Poets’ Breakfast sets high bar
The vibe was definitely that this is a gathering with a promising future so stay tuned for future dates!
My Crepe Myrtle healer
My thoughts about this tree are always interwoven with the nostalgia of watching my children grow. She has witnessed some of the most joyful moments of my life with me.
Koalas suffer death by a thousand cuts
The department encourage the planting of koala feed trees to supplement the forest. Neighbours in Palmdale who live adjacent to the area currently being logged did exactly that and are devastated that their good work will come to nothing as no koalas can survive in the logged area.
Traditional Custodian film to premiere at Green Point
Tracey was presented with one of the only maps of the Flinders circumnavigation by the descendants of Matthew Flinders when they visited Australia to commemorate the bicentenary of his journey.
Resident speaks out about cost of logging
If, by some miracle, we dodge that firebomb, research shows that logged forests present a higher fire risk than unlogged areas for a period of 30 years and even 70 years after logging.
Jacaranda magic
Sometimes soft flowers would rain down on us while fronds tickled our cheeks, all brought on by soft afternoon breezes. It was all very magical as we made up stories of princesses, treasure, cowgirls and spaceships, giggling all the while.
Free film about saving koala habitat
John Seed said his interest in campaigning to protect koala habitat had been reignited by the local Camp Ourimbah campaign which has been working to stop the logging of the Ourimbah State Forest for two years.
T is for tea and trees and Tuesday
Tea for Trees takes place on the roadside near the Palmdale roundabout at Kangy Angy every Tuesday at around 11am as a way for the community to gather and peacefully pay homage to the nearby Ourimbah Forest. By Jacquelene Pearson There’s a giant cardboard koala, lots of hand painted signs […]
Council ignores expert advice, pushes ahead with land deals
The Panel supports the reclassification of land except those sites zoned SP2 – infrastructure or RE1 – public recreation.