Air quality standards in Australia are less protective than in other member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Moreover, certain facilities have received exemptions from compliance with relevant standards, and communities pay the price.
Low Antarctic sea ice may be ‘new abnormal’
During the winter growth period, large areas of sea ice failed to freeze. For most of winter there was approximately 2.5 million square kilometres of sea ice missing, an area the size of Western Australia.
High rise residential ready to reap energy savings
With their always open/always closed functionality, revolving doors are one of the most immediate ways to help achieve energy use reductions in multi-story buildings by making them “tighter” and curtailing energy losses.
Just a case of mistaken identity?
“When the police arrive they automatically think that the black person is the perpetrator.”
Mehan speaks on budget repair
The challenge of funding the services the people of NSW need is made much harder by the size of the state’s debt, the largest debt handed from one government to another in the state’s history.
Green hydrogen investment ramping up in Europe and Australia
Australia has an unparalleled opportunity to become a global green hydrogen leader, but we can’t afford to lose our momentum as other competing countries step up their ambitions and support
September events for nature
Threats to nature appear to be gathering pace at the moment so if you want to get active here are some events, webinars and other suggestions for September. Sept 8 Pat Fleming and John Seed will host a webinar for the Australian Earth Laws Alliance. John Seed be speaking about The […]
BHP Energy and Advent Energy continue to push PEP11
PEP-11 continues in force and the Joint Venture is in compliance with the contractual terms of PEP11 with respect to such matters as reporting, payment of rents and the various provisions of the off shore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006.
Fee-free TAFE a raging success
Other areas of success, include the priority sectors of construction, with 20,986 enrolments (9.7 per cent), technology and digital, with 16,768 enrolments (7.8 per cent) and early childhood education and care, with 11,868 enrolments (5.5 per cent).
Public land consultation begins
The key characteristic of community land is that it is managed for long term public benefit and cannot be sold.