The problem is that the EPA licenses covering Vales Point allow them to emit up to 850mg of NOx/m3, 99% of the time, and emit up to 980mg/m3 for 1% of the time. This is 6 times the European Union’s annual average limit for existing coal power stations of just 150mg/m3 and 4 times the United States annual average limit.
Zara Matthews is one to watch
For her efforts Zara was awarded the Fred Hollow’s NSW Junior Ambassador for 2019.
Over Eighteen Thousand Cows Die in Texas Dairy Farm blaze
Livestock takes up nearly 80 percent of global agricultural land yet produce less than 20 percent of the world’s calories.
Migration review fails to address key issues
Refugees and people seeking asylum are currently denied the fundamental human rights everyone should have
A sense of awe – Jessica Loughlin at regional gallery
You are not being told, there is no chatter. You are being taken into a realm where there is quietness in the mind.
More positive moves to free Assange
This would set a dangerous precedent for all global citizens, journalists, publishers, media organizations and the freedom of the press.
Plan of management not fit for purpose
“We hope the council meeting will be more than a rubber-stamping exercise by Administrator Hart…”
NSW Upper House looks slightly progressive
The Labor MLCs include some of the most powerful Ministers in the new Minns Government
Parklands preschool given 20-year lease
The fee-free service is one of only three community-based preschools left in the southern end of the Central Coast.
Documents prove council sold a natural gem for peanuts
The biodiversity credits were known to Council, yet the valuer was not informed even though the valuation report states that if the site generated any biodiversity credits it would have increased the valuation.