The Environment Centre NT has today expressed disappointment at the parochialism of Chief Minister Natasha Fyles’ speech to the National Press Club, where she derided so-called “southern activists” and “teals and trolls” for expressing their views about the $1.5 billion taxpayer funded Middle Arm gas and petrochemical hub, which will unlock new fossil fuel projects in the Northern Territory such as the Beetaloo Basin carbon bomb.

Executive Director of the Environment Centre NT Kirsty Howey says,
“The Chief Minister has completely failed to read the Northern Territory and national mood on climate, including growing opposition to massive new fossil fuel projects in the Northern Territory such as fracking the Beetaloo Basin and the Middle Arm gas and petrochemical hub.”
“These climate-wrecking projects are funded to the tune of $1.9 billion by the Australian taxpayer. It’s entirely appropriate for politicians and concerned citizens from inside and outside the Northern Territory to be concerned, and it’s outrageous for the Chief Minister to be shutting down scrutiny by retreating into parochialism and jibes.”
“It’s breathtaking hypocrisy, not by “teals and trolls”, but by the Chief Minister herself.”
“Opposition to Middle Arm and fracking the Beetaloo Basin is being led by her government’s constituents in the Northern Territory, including Traditional Owners and local communities who are overwhelmingly opposed to new fossil fuel developments that will wreck our climate and health.”
“Honest Territorians standing up against gas companies to fight for a healthy future for the Territory deserve better than to be lambasted by their own Chief Minister.”