In September 2024 Dr Orellana will submit his report on the outcome of his visit to Australia to the UN Human Rights Commission.
Environmental Justice News
Environmental Justice News
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Our Environmental Justice news provides insights into the intersection of social inequality and environmental issues at a local level on the Central Coast, and on a wider level too.
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Photographer supports campaign against planning proposal
Hopefully, people will hear the call of Nature and protect the sanctuaries we have left.
Great Koala National Park logging condemned
Gumbaynggirr elders have called for the protection of sacred sites in and around Newry State Forest.
In a clear response to community opposition, locked steel gates have been established at every entrance of the forest with security guards present 24/7 with routine police visits.
NSW and Qld come last on first Trees Scorecard
Only 52 per cent of Australia’s forests and woodlands remain intact. Deforestation continues at a globally significant rate. In the time it takes to read this sentence, 20 Australian native trees will have been cut down or damaged— that’s almost two trees lost every second, 93 lost each minute, 50 million lost every year.
Restoring Emigrant Creek to Create a Haven for Native Fish and Wildlife
This project really highlights the diversity of restoration needed in our creeks to restore the complexities of habitat required for local fish and wildlife.
‘No doubt’ coral reefs are in danger
The government can act now to stop new polluting projects going ahead by reforming our outdated environmental laws this term of Parliament. Coal and gas companies are hell bent on continuing to wreck our climate and destroy the places we love. The government has the power to put a stop to this.
Elusive pygmy right whale is a homebody hiding in our waters – UNSW
The pygmy right whale is one of the few whale species to forgo long-distance migrations to Antarctic waters and instead reside in the temperate waters near Australia throughout the year.
Conservationists slam NOPSEMA decision to allow seismic blasting for controversial Scarborough gas project
Woodside’s Scarborough gas project has been widely criticised by scientists and environmental campaigners as one of Australia’s most polluting planned fossil fuel sites. The proposal has been subject to no fewer than three high-profile legal challenges, both in the Supreme Court of Western Australia and the Federal Court.
It’s a big week for habitat activism
The community is getting active to stop logging in Ourimbah State Forest. How can you get involved?
Protestors want forest logging to stop
Penny Sharpe [NSW Environment Minister] was one of the people we cc’d in our email campaign and I have personally not heard a single response from her. We talked to her briefly in a zoom meeting about a year and a half ago where she ticked all the boxes, agreed with what we were saying and then there was absolutely no follow up with the community.