Cheaper petrol and less pollution from new emissions standards


Australians will finally have access to more low and zero emissions vehicles already being sold in their millions overseas. 

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Climate pollution and petrol bills coming down as New Vehicle Efficiency Standards pass Parliament, according to the Climate Council.

Cars stuck in traffic at an intersection

Australia is off and racing on the road to cleaner cars that are cheaper to run, with the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard securing the support of Federal Parliament last week.

According to the Climate Council, this reform is decades overdue, however, with the standard set to start next year, Australians will finally have access to more low and zero emissions vehicles already being sold in their millions overseas.   

Climate Council CEO, Amanda McKenzie, said: “Australia has locked up the garage for good when it comes to expensive, polluting cars. This is a win for the climate, a win for our health, and a win for all Australians – whether they drive a car or not. 

“This law will see Australia slash climate pollution from one of our biggest sources, steering the transport sector towards a cleaner future. We look forward to seeing the positive impacts this important change will have on our hip-pockets, our health, and our environment.”

Climate Council Head of Policy and Advocacy, Dr Jennifer Rayner, said: “The New Vehicle Efficiency Standard sends a clear message to car manufacturers: it’s time to clean up your act. Manufacturers can no longer treat Australia as a dumping ground for dirty, inefficient cars.  “This reform is an important step towards slashing climate pollution further and faster this decade, and a great example of what a progressive Parliament can deliver when it puts our kids’ futures first. We need to see more action like this, more often.” 

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