Wild At Art 2021, Australia’s top wildlife art competition for kids will open on World Environment Day, Saturday, June 5.
Australian Conservation Foundation Digital Campaigner, Taryn Sadler, says Australia is home to an incredible diversity of life, and one thing nearly all of us share is a love and appreciation of our unique wildlife.
“Our kids are no exception. Kids adore our native wildlife, and if you asked any kid in Australia if they want our amazing animals and plants protected, we reckon it’d be a resounding YES!” Sadler says.
“But the sad reality is that Australia is in the midst of an extinction crisis. Right now, nearly 2,000 Australian plants, animals, and ecosystems are at risk of extinction – and it’s getting worse.
“We believe kids can be powerful voices for change. Which is why we’re super excited to be partnering with Forestmedia Network to host the 2021 Wild at Art competition.
“Throughout June and July, we’re inviting children across Australia to create an artwork of one of Australia’s threatened animals or plants, along with a short written description of why they chose that species.
“The heartfelt artworks and written pieces will be reviewed by a panel of expert judges, with finalists’ works displayed at an exhibition in Sydney’s Royal Botanical Gardens in September.”
Online submissions will be open from Saturday 5 June, World Environment Day, to Friday 30 July.
Finalists will be announced in August with winners announced on Tuesday 7 September, Threatened Species Day.
“We believe kids should be heard on the issues that affect them – and the extinction crisis is no exception.
“Wild At Art is an opportunity for primary school children to learn about Australia’s threatened wildlife and speak out for a future where our unique animals and plants thrive.
“The beautiful artworks and heartfelt written explanations in this competition demonstrate the depth of concern and love that children have for our vanishing wildlife.
“Through the competition, parents, teachers and program managers can help foster children’s natural creativity while raising awareness of Australia’s extinction crisis.”
To find out everything you need to know about Wild At Art visit the ACF website.