Standing strong and rising up


Many are completely disengaged from contemporary politics but others, though fewer in number, are determined to diversify the voices in our national parliament and raise standards along the way. New Senator Dorinda Cox (Greens, Western Australia) had a great deal to say in her Maiden Speech that is worth consideration […]

Digital platforms are publishers


The notion of platform as publisher deserves consideration when determining who is responsible for the digital undermining of everything from personal safety and wellbeing to the pillars of democratic society. By Jackie Pearson It took Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce complaining about his daughter being abused on social media for […]

Compounding crises demand new alliances


As we approach World Humanitarian Day on August 19, humanitarian crises are increasing in scale, impact and frequency and humanitarian organisations are forging new alliances to cope. In Ethiopia, for instance, women are facing the compounding challenges of growing conflict, COVID-19 and locust swarms. Kaleita Wendim is a 35-year-old mother […]