Friends of the Earth and Saltwater People campaign for offshore oil and gas ban


3D seismic blasting releases explosions of noise louder than an atom bomb. We know that it’s deafening and sometimes fatal for whales, seals and penguins. It destroys zooplankton which is the mainstay food for many ocean species. It destroys the buoyancy mechanism for crayfish so they float to the ocean surface to be picked off by birds. It’s devastating to the whole of the marine environment and this damage is unacceptable when we know that the climate can’t afford a single new oil or gas project.


Jacquelene 1

The masterplan notes that “residential developments adjacent to airports and under flight paths may lead to complaints about aircraft” and recommends no such developments within the footprint of an airport. Well, too late for that. Unfortunately there don’t appear to be flight path maps in the exhibited document so it’s difficult to know which suburbs (existing and new) will be impacted and to what degree.

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