There was a light bulb moment that the waste truck we were about to send for scrapping could be given a second life at TAFE NSW, along with engines and parts from other trucks at their use-by date.
Environmental Justice News
Environmental Justice News
Stay up-to-date on the latest Environmental Justice news with The Point.
Our Environmental Justice news provides insights into the intersection of social inequality and environmental issues at a local level on the Central Coast, and on a wider level too.
From the impact of pollution on marginalised communities to the efforts being made to promote environmental justice, explore our articles below to learn more about the movement towards a more just and sustainable future.
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Mayor tells residents to ‘love their trees’
If anything, the community’s reliance on trees has expanded, given the ever-increasing need
for their role in cleaning the air we breathe, and providing habitat and food for many
endangered native species.
Loud chorus of criticism for Eraring extension
The fact is pollution from power stations is
contributing to early deaths in our region, and now all of NSW is paying for that too, thanks to the
Minn’s government. It seems that damning findings of the 2021 inquiry into NSW coal ash waste
dumps chaired by Daniel Mookhey MP, now NSW Treasurer have been sidelined
Endangered Greater Glider killed by alleged illegal logging
Nature and community groups had notified Forest Fire Management and state and federal environment ministers that destruction of scores of old hollow-bearing trees along 250 km of fuel breaks within the Yarra Ranges National Park is destroying critical habitat for threatened wildlife, including Leadbeater’s Possums, Gang-gang Cockatoos, Swift Parrots, and Greater Gliders.
Buzz-worthy news on World Bees Day
Australia hosts approximately 10 per cent of global bee diversity.
Cheaper petrol and less pollution from new emissions standards
Australians will finally have access to more low and zero emissions vehicles already being sold in their millions overseas.
Santos pipeline and sea dumping approved while no one was watching – Australia Institute
Any government that was serious about climate, Traditional Owner consultation, relations with the Pacific and basic integrity would not have approved this project.
New maximum penalties for environmental breaches
Possessing or using an unregistered pesticide or using a pesticide contrary to the approved label can also trigger fines of up to a $60,000 for an individual and $120,000 for a corporation.
Filthy Five: Toyota, Ford among car companies polluting more than Australia’s coal mines
FIVE FILTHY CAR COMPANIES whose fleets are responsible for more climate pollution than some of Australia’s biggest coal mines have been identified in new analysis by the Climate Council. Toyota’s 2023 new car sales are estimated to produce more climate pollution in a year than 46 big coal mines. The […]
Friends of the Earth and Saltwater People campaign for offshore oil and gas ban
3D seismic blasting releases explosions of noise louder than an atom bomb. We know that it’s deafening and sometimes fatal for whales, seals and penguins. It destroys zooplankton which is the mainstay food for many ocean species. It destroys the buoyancy mechanism for crayfish so they float to the ocean surface to be picked off by birds. It’s devastating to the whole of the marine environment and this damage is unacceptable when we know that the climate can’t afford a single new oil or gas project.