“Ensuring we have strong air and water pollution controls, best practice management of coal ash, and more access for the community to monitoring data will be among our key areas of focus for our ongoing conversations with the power station operators.” – EPA
Environmental Justice News
Environmental Justice News
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The masterplan notes that “residential developments adjacent to airports and under flight paths may lead to complaints about aircraft” and recommends no such developments within the footprint of an airport. Well, too late for that. Unfortunately there don’t appear to be flight path maps in the exhibited document so it’s difficult to know which suburbs (existing and new) will be impacted and to what degree.
Threatened bird populations decline by two-thirds
threatened and near-threatened bird populations in Australia declined by an average of 60 per cent between 1985 and 2020. These trends underpin a call for stronger nature protections in the formal statement from the Australasian Ornithological Conference held in Brisbane/Meanjin
EPA ‘always available’ says CEO
“We’ve got a team of experts currently modelling water and sediment quality,” he said, undertaking to release that modelling once it had been peer reviewed but did not provide a timeframe for that release.
Hart resolves to keep reserve
“The evidence wasn’t strong enough for me to say the sale should go ahead.”
Grandfathers still sailing between coal ports
We are now seeing the serious impacts of climate change around the world. To rescue the future from this growing maelstrom, we need to act quickly. We need to stop the burning of fossil fuels, and we need it yesterday if we want to save tomorrow.
Days remain to have your say on power station licence review
The current licence limits for toxic pollutants known to harm health such as nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, particulates and mercury remain too high and are much higher than limits placed on coal fired power stations in many other countries
Opinion: We are passing the ice sheet tipping point
We must prepare for metres of sea level rise in the longer term beyond 2050 by planning now for a safe and efficient transfer to higher ground.
Caring for Country 2023 style
We live on stolen land. Sovereignty was never ceded. The western neo-colonial concept of land ownership and domination doesn’t sit well. The traditional owners of this Country, from the Hawkesbury River to Lake Macquarie, from the beaches to the hinterland, have left an astonishing legacy.
Residents warned of giant fire hazard
The debris needs to be moved immediately otherwise there is a 300 acre tinderbox on the doorstep of many residences right before an El Nino hot and dry fire season.