The department encourage the planting of koala feed trees to supplement the forest. Neighbours in Palmdale who live adjacent to the area currently being logged did exactly that and are devastated that their good work will come to nothing as no koalas can survive in the logged area.
Traditional Custodian film to premiere at Green Point
Tracey was presented with one of the only maps of the Flinders circumnavigation by the descendants of Matthew Flinders when they visited Australia to commemorate the bicentenary of his journey.
Resident speaks out about cost of logging
If, by some miracle, we dodge that firebomb, research shows that logged forests present a higher fire risk than unlogged areas for a period of 30 years and even 70 years after logging.
Council ignores expert advice, pushes ahead with land deals
The Panel supports the reclassification of land except those sites zoned SP2 – infrastructure or RE1 – public recreation.
Just a case of mistaken identity?
“When the police arrive they automatically think that the black person is the perpetrator.”
Letter: campus downgrade angers community
Ourimbah campus should not follow a path of reducing courses and opportunities. Instead, it should be strengthened and supported to continue its vital role in providing accessible education for our community.
EPA prosecutes Delta over fish kills
The community representatives want the EPA to put more information in the public domain about additional measures mentioned in their media release including reference to a coal ash repository investigation and tightening of Vales Point’s NoX emissions which it has received a series of exemptions by the EPA to exceed.
Welcome to Nature Positive NSW
Global ambition has moved beyond biodiversity conservation to a ‘nature positive’ framing that emphasises the need to repair past damage and to take urgent action to halt and reverse biodiversity loss, putting nature on a path to recovery, so that thriving ecosystems can support future generations
Toxic coal legacy exposed as UN representatives visit Buff Point
In September 2024 Dr Orellana will submit his report on the outcome of his visit to Australia to the UN Human Rights Commission.
Council to hold month of emergency preparation events
By sharing preparedness information this September, we hope the community will feel prepared when facing an emergency event.