The Conservation Council of South Australia will be hosting two webinar briefings on Federal Opposition Leader, Peter Dutton’s, nuclear power proposals during July.

The online seminars and Q&A sessions on Australia’s nuclear situation will be held on July 17 and 22.
Speakers will be Doctor Jim Green and Dave Sweeney.
Dr Green is a nuclear campaigner representing Friends of the Earth Australia. Dave Sweeney is a nuclear free campaigner representing the Australian Conservation Foundation.
The July 17 zoom will commence at 6pm or you can join the later time of 7:30pm on July 22.
“Get insights into the Dutton Coalition’s plans for seven nuclear power plants across five states, including South Australia,” said SA Conservation Council CEO Kirsty Bevan. “If you’re new to the issue this is the perfect place to ask your questions.”
Some of the questions that will be addressed:
What will it mean for greenhouse emissions, renewables and fossil fuels?
What will it mean for power bills and taxes? What will the social impacts be for people in the seven targeted sites and for First Nations communities targeted for nuclear waste dumps?
How are nuclear power construction projects faring overseas?
Is the Coalition’s nuclear policy a good-faith attempt to address climate change or a stalking horse to expand and prolong the use of fossil fuels?
Tickets are free and the link includes a list of other websites with more information.