EPA tone deaf on climate crisis


The draft assessment and guide outlines step-by-step requirements that proponents must address in their Environmental Impact Assessments.

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OPINION: The EPA is inviting the general public to review and feedback on draft Climate Change Assessment Requirements and a draft Greenhouse Gas Assessment Guide for Large Emitters.

Local flooding, Point Clare, NSW

The deadline for feedback will be 5pm Monday 1 July 2024. You can find the guide and provide your feedback online.

Whilst stating that climate change will be at the forefront of the NSW planning process to help meet the state’s net zero targets, the new requirements and guidance released this week for public feedback are specifically to control new projects for major emitters.

Shouldn’t the EPA’s position be no new projects with major emissions? How else will we ever reach net zero, let alone start extracting carbon from the atmosphere – both required to avoid climate catastrophe.

“The draft assessment requirements and guide will ensure the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA), the NSW Government, and consent authorities have accurate information to inform their assessment and decision-making,” the publicity accompanying the opening of the consultation period proclaims.

The draft assessment and guide outlines step-by-step requirements that proponents must address in their Environmental Impact Assessments.

This includes developments heavily reliant on fossil fuels and non-renewable electricity, or that have the potential to release large quantities of methane gas, such as coal mines, landfills, chemical manufacturers, cement and metal producers, and waste management facilities.

To access the documents, FAQs and supporting information please visit: yoursay.epa.nsw.gov.au.

You can provide feedback through a short online survey until 5pm Monday 1 July 2024.

If you have any specific questions on the proposed content of the documents or would like to meet with the EPA to discuss, please contact to [email protected].

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