Look out Scomo – now you’ve pi$$ed off grandma

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We will need to keep marching for justice until justice is done.

It was a good day for women and girls yesterday. I was working but my husband attended the March4Justice in Gosford.

He said women thanked him as he walked home. He told them it was the least he could do. He walked out his front door and joined the protest for his wife, daughters, mother and sister.

Another father and husband didn’t walk out his front door and join the thousands of marchers assembled at Parliament House, Canberra. Instead he invited the visitors to a closed door meeting in his office. How’s that for power and control?

He made the point that not too far from the March4Justice events in cities around Australia women would be shot for doing the same. How’s that for tone deaf?

Nearly 500 Central Coast residents dressed in black and marched along the Gosford Waterfront in solidarity with thousands of women across Australia with the March4Justice movement.

The protests, sparked by the recent string of sexual assault allegations in Canberra, aimed to send a message to Prime Minister Scott Morrison and government’s across Australia that the community was tired of inaction on sexism and sexual abuse justice.

Labor Member for Gosford, Liesl Tesch joined with March4Justice’s Kel Butler, Indigenous elder, Aunty Robyn Reid and Phoebe Sheridan, a 16 year old from St Joseph’s Catholic College, East Gosford to speak to the crowd.

“For so long we have been living under a facade of equal rights but the fact of the matter is women continue to suffer inequality every single day, in this country and around the world,” Tesch said.

“It is wrong that women are underrepresented in leadership, on boards, in workplaces and that we still suffer from unequal pay and unsafe workplaces to this day.”

2021’s March4Justice event is highlighting the recent revelations that have developed from our very own Parliament, with protestors delivering a petition calling on the Prime Minister to act against the gendered violence to female staffers and Members of Parliament.

After months of new allegations of sexual assault and rape of women in their workplace the Prime Minister is yet to act and refuses to investigate the allegations, perpetuating instead of preventing violence against women in the workplace and in the heart of our democracy.

Tesch said there must be real leadership on this issue right now.

“The Prime Minister of Australia had an opportunity to show us that sexual violence is not acceptable in our society, unfortunately he decided to look the other way when courageous woman stepped forward.

“Woman should be believed when they come forward.

“This lack of leadership in Australia has made women across our community angrier than ever before.

“Hear us loud and clear Mr Morrison — we will not be silenced until justice is served.”

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