Second Poets’ Breakfast sets high bar


The vibe was definitely that this is a gathering with a promising future so stay tuned for future dates!

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The September 17 Poets’ Breakfast held at Kincumber Community Centre on September 17 attracted over 20 diverse, powerful and polished readings from local creatives.

By Jacquelene Pearson

Hosted by local vocalist, musician and writer, Alexi Kaye, the second Poets’ Breakfast for 2023 set an amazingly high standard for future events to follow.

Special Guest, Donne Restrom, set the tone for the morning by reading from her draft novel for young adults. Donne was initially concerned the audience would last the distance but had us all captivated for over 30 minutes. We cannot wait for the novel to be released to find out what happens to the incredibly spell-binding characters.

The Open Mic section was extremely popular with a mix of song, poetry and prose across genre – edgy, funny and revelatory. First-timers and seasoned Open Mic participants shared their work in a safe and supportive environment.

Warmed by delicious soup by Phoenix, the vibe was definitely that this is a gathering with a promising future so stay tuned for future dates!

Here’s my favourite poem from Poets’ Breakfast #2 with thanks to the poet, Gavin Adnan-Weber, for giving his permission for it to be published on The Point.

There are mornings

When washing my own face feels like an invasion of privacy. When the word potential carries sarcasm like eucalyptus tree does scent.

It’s on those mornings. I take a moment to speak to myself with forgiveness and compassion. I recite my ode aloud.

Even if the voice in my head only has the strength to whisper, even if it is with a whimper, even my speaking sends a shiver down my spine, I face myself in the bathroom mirror and deliver these words. 

I am human, I am hurting and that’s ok.

Have no doubts in yourself. For your Mother’s words and Father’s stories have embedded in you a sincere conviction. 

Each step, however small, is in the right direction.

Your potential has no limit. For there are books yet to be read and books yet to be written.

And if the mirror doesn’t shatter, I say it louder. 

I am human, I am hurting and that’s ok.

Have no doubts in yourself. For your Mother’s words and Father’s stories have embedded in you a sincere conviction. 

Each step, however small, is in the right direction.

Your potential has no limit. For there are books yet to be read and books yet to be written. 

One of them, is yours.

By Gavin Adnan-Weber

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The residents of the Central Coast and Lake Macquarie state that premature deaths, terminal illnesses, asthma, and chronic health problems have been experienced by residents of the Central Coast and Lake Macquarie as a result of decades of air and water pollution from local coal power stations and their associated coal ash dams.

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