September events for nature

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Threats to nature appear to be gathering pace at the moment so if you want to get active here are some events, webinars and other suggestions for September.

Sept 8 Pat Fleming and John Seed will host a webinar for the Australian Earth Laws Alliance. John Seed be speaking about The Work That Reconnects and the precedent setting court case won before the Ecuadorean Constitutional Court where the “Rights of Nature” clause in the Ecuadorean constitution was used for the first time to eject mining companies from Los Cedros Biological Reserve. .

Sept 9 You are invited to participate in the Australian Conservation Foundation’s Platypus Project. This is happening in many different parts of the country and  the first Central Coast  event will be taking place in the Ourimbah State forest on Saturday  afternoon and finishing after dusk around 6pm. We’ll meet on Palmdale Road before the Palmdale memorial park at 4pm. We will then drive to the end of the road and then walk to Canada Drop Down Creek.

Sept 14 “Hour of Power” focusing on Stopping Coal Pollution on the Central Coast. Please join us on Thursday 14 Sept for our next Hour of Power – very timely as the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights just visited the Central Coast last week to hear about the massive health and human rights impacts on residents of the Central Coast who are suffering diseases like cancers, asthma and chronic illnesses due to the coal power stations and their coal ash dams sending air and water pollution throughout the region (Vales Point Power station, Eraring Power Station and the now-closed Munmorah PS). Let’s get the mess cleaned up and the power stations closed! Our special guest speaker will be northern Central Coast resident Gary Blaschke OAM from Future Sooner. You can register to get an email reminder here:  

Even if you don’t register you can just sign on to Zoom at 7.30pm on 14 Sept here:

Meeting ID: 827 3211 4805
Passcode: Awaba!7

Here is the Facebook event if you would like to share it on Facebook: ,

At our Hour of Power last month, 25 of us spent an hour writing emails to NSW government ministers calling for an immediate cessation and total banning of Forestry Corporation NSW logging Ourimbah State Forest.

PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION calling for an immediate cessation and total banning of Forestry Corporation NSW logging Ourimbah State Forest


Sept 16 John Seed will be one of the speakers at Community Voice Australia’s “Protect our Forests and Sacred Lands” symposium at the Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre, Saturday Sept 16, 1.30 to 3.30. This event will be addressing threats to Kariong Sacred Land and “Protect Ourimbah State Forest”. Koala habitat is being logged at Ourimbah and John Seed will be speaking about successful campaigns and direct actions he has participated in since 1979 and showing a short video clip of David Attenborough, David Suzuki and the late Olivia Newton-John urging us to protect our koalas and forests.

Sept 17 Looking forward to the second webinar in a series that Skye Cielita Flor and John Seed are offering to the Work That Reconnects Network. Sept 17 9am AEST .   If you want to join but missed the first in the series in May “Experiential Deep Ecology”, you can watch the recording at

Sept 21 Story Village at the Narara Ecovillage.  Some  people will be telling stories from Middle Earth  

Sept 23 You are invited to participate in the Australian Conservation Foundation’s Platypus Project. This is happening in many different parts of the country and  the second  Central Coast  event will be taking place from 10 to 12pm  in the Strickland State Forest Arboretum, right outside the back gate of the Narara Ecovillage.

You can then have a delicious lunch at the Ecovillage Coffee Cart and at 1pm On The Brink starring David Attenborough, David Suzuki, Olivia Newton-John & Jack Thompson was produced and directed by John Seed in the run-up to the 2003 NSW state elections. Plans are underway to use clips from the film in a coordinated social media campaign involving a large number of local and national environment organisations to press for an end to native forest logging, the declaration of the Great Koala National Park and an end to logging in the Ourimbah State Forest.

Come view the film and get involved in the campaign.

At 7pm the film will be shown again and another strategy discussion.


Last month 2 referendums were voted on nationally in Ecuador, alongside the first round of a presidential election. One to stop oil development in the Yasuní region of the Amazon, and the other to stop mining in the hyperdiverse Chocó Andino region near Los Cedros. Both were victories! READ ON


However there have been death threats as a result to our indigenous Huaorani allies. Nanto, with whom we have been working for more than 30 years to keep oil out of Yasuni writes that our colleague Alicia has been getting  death threats from oil companies, for her prominent role as a leader in the fight to save Yasuní. He’s looking into installing security cameras so they can monitor who attempts to enter and have warning to disappear into the bush if they need to (that doesn’t sound good) and has asked if we can help with the cost of this . Please help if you can, Tax-deductible donations with “Alicia” in the notes field to Rainforest Information Centre, BSB: 062 565 account number :10112562 MORE INFO

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