Letter to the editor: The local Labor Member for Gosford has made it very plain that she was one of those people opposed to the Greater Cities Commission and it would seem that she has been successful in its demise.

She has firmly been opposed to the need to provide adequate transport and services to any new development hence her staunch support for the Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council wish to build housing in Kariong where there are no services or transport facilities.
It was also promised that any future devopment on the Coast would give careful consideration to the infrastructure on all other new proposals. What do we then have announced but a 380 house development at Doyalson with no regard to services or transport and the proposal that 80% of the houses built will be unaffordable with only 20% affordable.
We clearly need to ask which side of the Developers Dream our local members of parliament are on.
Geoff Mitchell
Please note: the views expressed in letters to the Editor of The Point are not necessarily those of the publisher. Send your letters to [email protected]