“We predicted that the richest fish fauna would be present in the northernmost waterbodies receiving reliable groundwater inflows,” Professor Davis said.
Environmental Justice News
Environmental Justice News
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Plastic fuels global warming
In Australia, we generate more single-use plastic waste per person than any other country except Singapore.
Dump fight aims for High Court appeal
Verde Terra has filed an application for special leave to appeal to the High Court of Australia.
Simple steps to create habitat in your garden
Over 8000 food, water and shelter elements have been added to residences and businesses across Australia since August 2013 thanks to this initiative.
8000 farmers take a welcome stand on habitat
We need deep emissions reductions in this decisive decade for climate and we need to make genuine increases to biodiversity across the country.
$51 million for renewable hydrogen on NSW border
It will be powered by renewable energy from a Victorian wind farm and demonstrate renewable hydrogen’s compatibility with existing gas infrastructure.
Green is the gold standard for Somersby company
“You walk into a place that’s dull or it is even nice, they’ve done all this work and you bring the plants in and the plants just lift it and you can see people’s happiness changes, and they have smiles on their faces. It really makes a difference.”
Taking action for Austin Butler
The event attracted multiple generations from the same families, all united by the desire to protect a small stand of paperbark trees in the middle of the Woy Woy Town Centre.
“The development sought to be altered by Verde Terra does not answer the description of an ‘approved’ development.”
Community unites to oppose feedlot
“Living in these cramped, filthy conditions subjects the cattle to immense stress and sickness, with common painful conditions including footrot, botulism, respiratory disease and liver abscesses,” according to AL.