New research released by the Australia Institute shows a majority of voters back measures to tax fossil fuel exports, as Rod Sims and Ross Garnaut use today’s National Press Club address to call for a fossil fuel tax.

The Australia Institute’s research finds that a majority of voters (52%) support a tax on fossil fuel exports to compensate Australians for the costs incurred due to climate change, regardless of the size of the tax imposed. Only one in five voters (21%) opposed the measure.
Key Findings
The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,017 Australians about a proposed levy on fossil fuel exports between 23 to 29 January 2024.
- More than twice as many Australians support a levy as oppose it, regardless of its size.
- A majority of Australians support a levy, regardless of whether it is set at $1 per tonne (52% support) or $20 per tonne (also 52% support).
- One in five Australians oppose a levy, regardless of whether it is set at $1 per tonne (20% oppose) or $20 per tonne (21% oppose).
- More support than oppose a levy on fossil fuel exports among Labor voters (66% support vs 11% oppose), Coalition voters (42% support vs 30%), Greens voters (71% support vs 6% oppose) and Independent/Other voters (41% support vs 17% oppose).

“The message from the Australian people is pretty clear: just get it done,” said Dr Richard Denniss, Executive Director of the Australia Institute.
“A majority of Australians back a tax on the fossil fuel industry, regardless of its size. The rest is detail. The public are clearly frustrated with the lack of tax paid by the industry.
“There is support for a tax on fossil fuel producers and their massive profits, in return for the significant damage they cause to our climate – costs that come back to taxpayers through natural disasters and higher insurance premiums.
“Stage 3 has shown us that the Australian people are up for an honest conversation about tax, so let’s get on with it.”