Volunteer grant helps neighbourhood centre


Thanks to this wonderful grant, we were able to purchase new equipment for our Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre food pantry and Youth Brekky Club such as a large chest freezer

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Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre has received funding through the Albanese Labor Government’s 2022-23 Volunteer Grants.

The centre received $5000 to purchase new equipment for its food pantry and a new freezer for its youth breakie club.

Federal Member for Robertson, Dr Gordon Reid MP, says Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre supports all areas of our community.

“The Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre is a real community hub for its services and assistance,” Dr Reid said.

“One particular service I am appreciative of is its weekly youth brekky clubs, where students from surrounding schools can come and enjoy a healthy meal before the start of school.

“This service is outstanding, and it is popular with many students, especially those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds”, Dr Reid said.

 “I know that this grant funding will support Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre and its volunteers undertake work assisting our community.

 “I thank Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre Manager, Leanne Clarke, Mariam Johns, Sandy Hunt-Sharman, Matt Francis, and all the other volunteers involved in the centre,” Dr Reid said.

Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre Manager, Leanne Clarke, thanked Dr Reid for his support.

“We want to express our gratitude towards Dr Gordon Reid for stopping by and presenting us with a $5000 cheque from the Albanese Labor Government’s Volunteer Grants,” Ms Clarke said.

“Thanks to this wonderful grant, we were able to purchase new equipment for our Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre food pantry and Youth Brekky Club such as a large chest freezer”.

“With the new freezer, our volunteers can store the food in one location and have ready access, reducing lifting and centralising food for Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre food pantry and Youth Brekky Club”, Ms Clarke said.

“We also acquired an ergonomic cage trolley with shelves, for safely moving heavy groceries, which will significantly reduce the manual and repetitive lifting for our amazing volunteers”.

“We were able to purchase ergonomic chairs, amongst other much-needed items for our volunteers undertaking office work”, Ms Clarke said.  

“At our centre, our volunteers are the backbone of our operations, and we always strive to ensure their safety and well-being. This grant has been a great help in achieving our goal”. 

The Federal Government’s Volunteer Grants provide not-for-profit organisations with funding of between $1000 to $5000 to support the work of its volunteers.

The 2023-24 Volunteer Grants are now open, and organisations are encouraged to contact Dr Reid’s office for an expressions of interest form.

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